Computer help online
I am Denis Belozorov, certified IT-specialist from Ukraine.

I will help you to set up your laptop/computer online.
Work with Windows and Mac (Apple)

Installation of licensed programs and assistance with their purchase.

Download TeamViewer for Windows

Download TeamViewer for Mac
Website support
I help with technical support for sites:
- replacing text and pictures (content manager)
- creating backup copies of sites
- installation of Google Analytics visit counters
- setting https
- assistance with setting up domains and hosting
- setting up corporate email
- and much more...

Remote computer help from Denis Belozorov

Since 2011 on the online help market.
Helped clients remotely in 41 countries around the world.

What I help with:
- setting up computers and laptops (Windows, Apple)
- installation of programs (licensed only)
- cleaning from advertising and viruses
- setting up web cameras, printers and scanners
- website technical support

- payment based on results
- only licensed or free programs

My contacts:
Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp

My certificates:
Google IT-support certificate
Cource "How Computers Work" at University of London